Coding Night - Presentation Nov 21st
I would like to invite you on Nov 21st (Monday) at 5:30PM NZDT to check the presentation Azure Durable Functions and Patterns - Part 1.
Please RSVP here: https://bit.ly/azure-durable-functions-patterns-part1
Are you familiar with Stateful workflows? Have you explored Azure Durable Functions before? What about the Application Patterns?
Check this DEV Community event where you are going to learn about Azure Durable Functions and their Application Patterns. This presentation is Part 1 of 2 sessions.
By exploring the different patterns you will become more familiar with the power of Azure Durable Functions, stateful workflows in a serverless compute environment.
Agenda: 17:30 - 18:00 - Catchup 18:00 - 19:00 - Presentation
This will be a hybrid session hosted at Microsoft House, Level 5/22 Viaduct Harbour Avenue, Auckland CBD, Auckland 1010.
Speaker: Marcel Medina, Lead Developer and Azure Specialist.
Thanks to Microsoft NZ for hosting us! We're looking forward to meeting you all there!