Azure Template Specs - Part 4 - Bicep Modules
Template Specs can also be referenced on Bicep Modules, using a configuration file, to connect the Module to the Azure Template Spec.
The Configuration file
The configuration file is a json
that is used as a module alias, that references the Azure subscription and resource group. Considering the file bicepconfig.json
File bicepconfig.json
"moduleAliases": {
"ts": {
"TemplateSpecs": {
"subscription": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"resourceGroup": "template-specs"
Make sure to replace the subscription
with the subscriptionId, and resourceGroup
which was populated with the same available in Part 1.
The Bicep Module
The alias created on json has a nested structure ts-->TemplateSpecs
, and similarly, it should be referenced on the Bicep module:
File /modules/storageModule.bicep
param location string = resourceGroup().location
module stgModule 'ts/TemplateSpecs:Storage:1.0.0' = {
name: 'storageTSDeploy'
params: {
storageAccountType: 'Standard_GRS'
location: location
The example defines a module stgModule
that wraps up the Template Spec reference.
This approach should be considered if you have modules organized in a different repository, so rather than copying the module and duplicating it, you can reference it from a central location. In this case the Template Spec.
On main.bicep
the module1 is referenced:
File main.bicep
targetScope = 'subscription'
@description('The storage account location.')
param location string
resource templateSpecsTest 'Microsoft.Resources/resourceGroups@2022-09-01' existing = {
name: 'templateSpecsTest'
module stgModule './modules/storageModule.bicep' = {
name: 'storageDeploy'
scope: templateSpecsTest
params: {
location: location
Then we can run the following PowerShell2 or Azure CLI3:
New-AzSubscriptionDeployment -Location australiaeast -TemplateFile ".\main.bicep" -locationFromTemplate 'australiaeast'
az deployment sub create -f .\main.bicep -l australiaeast -p location='australiaeast'
Make sure the resource group templateSpecsTest
is created before running any of the commands, as it is hardcoded on main.bicep
Full Series
Azure Template Specs - Part 1 - Introduction
Azure Template Specs - Part 2 - Scripting
Azure Template Specs - Part 3 - Template Links
Azure Template Specs - Part 4 - Bicep Modules