Open Telemetry and Azure Monitor Trace Explorer

3 minute read
When it comes to observability, we rely on telemetry that is captured through reliable instrumentation. Observability With the increased…

Convert ARM Template to Bicep and Deploy with Azure DevOps - Part 2 - Migration

2 minute read
This is the second part of the series where an ARM Template is converted to Bicep. In this article, we should continue on Phase…

Azure and .NET nested JSON sections. Did you know?

1 minute read
.NET Core (and ASP.NET Core) supports (hierarchical configuration data), which is represented by nesting JSON sections. Let's look at this…

Integrate KeyVault Secrets with Azure Functions

6 minute read
Integrating KeyVault secrets on Azure Functions is not complicated, the service was designed to handle it via configuration or…

Convert ARM Template to Bicep and Deploy with Azure DevOps - Part 1

4 minute read
How can we convert an existing ARM Template to a Bicep Template? This is a series that will show how you can do it in steps, aligned to…

Comparing .NET In-Process and Isolated Azure Functions

2 minute read
Azure Functions became very popular and attractive in the market, as Serverless solutions, with the promise to allow for flexibility and…

Professional Real World Azure Functions

4 minute read
Microsoft Docs are great, they offer such detailed information and code examples about almost everything nowadays (Microsoft Product/Service…

Tech Blog

1 minute read
A new tech blog to help you to keep in touch with the latest and greatest technologies. Technology is expanding at an exponential level…