YouTube Presentation - A pragmatic approach with Clean Architecture in .NET projects - Lesson 2

1 minute read
Great presentation available on Coding Night NZ channel about A pragmatic approach with Clean Architecture in .NET projects - Lesson 2.

Messaging with MassTransit and RabbitMQ in .NET 7

8 minute read
Messaging plays a crucial role in enabling loosely coupled and scalable architectures. MassTransit and RabbitMQ provide a powerful…

YouTube Presentation - Global Azure - Getting started with Data API builder for Azure Databases

1 minute read
Great presentation available on Aotearoa Azure Meetup channel. The Global Azure 2023 event happened at Microsoft Auckland on May 12th, 202…

Azure Functions running in Azure Container Apps with Dapr

14 minute read
In case your organization has embraced containers in its strategy, it's worth noting that Azure Container Apps now can host and enable the…

Manually trigger timer-triggered Azure Functions. Did you know?

2 minute read
There is a way to manually trigger any timer-triggered Azure Functions via API request. It is an approach valid for all non-HTTP-triggered…

Is the Azure Function response status code always HTTP 200? Did you know?

3 minute read
Is the Azure Function response status code always HTTP 200? Can I change that? It depends on your implementation. The issue Most ASP.NET…

YouTube Presentation - Global Azure - Reusable IaC with Azure Template Specs

1 minute read
Great presentation available on Coding Night NZ channel about Reusable IaC with Azure Template Specs.

Converting Data-Api-Builder Config to Static Web App Config

6 minute read
If you are working with the Data API Builder in isolation, but then you decide to combine and publish the Db configuration and the client…

Global Azure - Presentation May 12th

1 minute read
I would like to invite you on May 12th (Friday) at 11:45AM to check the presentation Getting started with Data API builder for Azure…

Global Azure on Coding Night - Presentation May 13th

1 minute read
I would like to invite you on May 13th (Saturday) at 12:00PM to check the presentation Reusable IaC with Azure Template Specs. Please RSVP…