Running Data API Builder on Kubernetes

3 minute read
The Data API Builder is currently on Public Preview and is enabling businesses to quickly expose Data through APIs, to be consumed by Modern…

Azure Template Specs - Part 4 - Bicep Modules

2 minute read
Template Specs can also be referenced on Bicep Modules, using a configuration file, to connect the Module to the Azure Template Spec. The…

Azure Template Specs - Part 3 - Template Links

3 minute read
There are different ways to use and deploy Template Specs. However, if you refer to them as Template Links, you won't need nested ARM…

Azure Template Specs - Part 2 - Scripting

3 minute read
Last time we explored Azure Template Specs from the user interface, today let's check the PowerShell commandlets that will allow you to…

Azure Template Specs - Part 1 - Introduction

4 minute read
Azure Template Specs are reusable templates that allow you to define infrastructure-as-code (IaC) resources in Azure. Characteristics…

YouTube Presentation - A pragmatic approach with Clean Architecture in .NET projects - Lesson 1

1 minute read
Great presentation available on Coding Night NZ channel about A pragmatic approach with Clean Architecture in .NET projects - Lesson 1.

Resource provider is not registered to subscription. Did you know?

1 minute read
(ResourceProviderNotRegistered) The Microsoft.Blueprint resource provider is not registered to subscription [guid]. The resource provider…

Coding Night - Presentation March 13th

1 minute read
I would like to invite you on March 13th (Monday) at 8PM NZDT to check the presentation A pragmatic approach with Clean Architecture in .NET…

Azure Functions Triggers and Bindings - Part 2 - Blob storage

5 minute read
This is part 2 of the Azure Functions Triggers and Bindings series where Triggers and Bindings are explored with C# examples. In this post…

YouTube Presentation - Upgrade strategies and tooling for .NET 7

1 minute read
Great presentation available on Coding Night NZ channel about Upgrade strategies and tooling for .NET 7.