Difference between IEnumerable, ICollection, IList and IQueryable. Did you know?

2 minute read
Did you know the difference between IEnumerable, ICollection, IList and IQueryable? Often we implement these interfaces to use with…

Builder Pattern for Unit Tests with C#

1 minute read
The Builder pattern is a creational design pattern, which allows the construction of complex objects step by step. This pattern provides an…

YouTube Presentation - AutoMapper in .NET 6

1 minute read
Great presentation available on Coding Night NZ channel about AutoMapper in .NET 6.

Auto Mapper in .NET 6

5 minute read
AutoMapper is a library created by Jimmy Bogard and it was created to offer object-object mapping, by transforming an input object of a type…

Coding Night - Presentation May 23rd

1 minute read
I would like to invite you on May 23rd (Monday) at 8PM to check the presentation AutoMapper in .NET 6. Please RSVP here: https://bit.ly/auto…

YouTube Presentation - Creating Professional Real World Azure Functions with .NET 6

1 minute read
Great presentation available on Coding Night NZ channel about Creating Professional Real World Azure Functions with .NET 6.

YouTube Presentation - Migrating ARM Templates to BICEP

1 minute read
Great presentation available on Coding Night NZ channel about Migrating ARM Templates to BICEP.

YouTube Presentation - Fluent Validation in .NET 6

1 minute read
Great presentation available on Coding Night NZ channel about Fluent Validation in .NET 6.

Global Azure on Coding Night - Presentation May 7th

1 minute read
I would like to invite you on May 7th (Saturday) at 2PM to check the presentation Creating Professional Real World Azure Functions with .NET…

Global Azure on Coding Night - Presentation May 5th

1 minute read
I would like to invite you on May 5th (Thursday) at 8PM to check the presentation Migrating ARM Templates to BICEP. Please RSVP here: https…