Monitor Pattern - Part 5 - Azure Durable Functions

4 minute read
The Monitor pattern is implemented as a long-running operation that consumes an external endpoint, checking for a state change, different…

SOLID Design Principles in C# - Part 2 - Open-Closed

3 minute read
The Open-Closed Principle (OCP) is a principle that helps us to think about extending class behaviours, and this is applied in object…

SOLID Design Principles in C# - Single Responsibility

4 minute read
Great developers are always curious and open to learning new programming languages, practices and principles in software development. In…

Convert ARM Template to Bicep and Deploy with Azure DevOps - Part 5 - Deploy

6 minute read
This is the fifth and the last part of the series where an ARM Template is converted to Bicep. In this article, we should continue on Phase…

gRPC with protobuf-net in .NET 6

4 minute read
A code-first/contract-first approach with gRPC is available with protobuf-net in .NET 6. When starting a gRPC template in Visual Studio 202…

Azure Functions with Fluent Validation

4 minute read
Apis can be easily implemented with the power of Azure Functions, and when you need to validate models, Fluent Validation comes in handy…

Decorator Pattern with C# - Real World Tax example

5 minute read
The Decorator pattern is a structural design pattern, which allows the attachment of new behaviours to objects. When it comes to real-world…

YouTube Presentation - gRPC in .NET 6

1 minute read
Great presentation available on Coding Night NZ channel about gRPC in .NET 6.

Async HTTP APIs Pattern - Part 4 - Azure Durable Functions

5 minute read
This is a built-in pattern available with durable functions, that removes the need for custom code to interact with long-running function…

gRPC in .NET 6

7 minute read
gRPC is a modern open-source high-performance Remote Procedure Call (RPC) framework that can run in any environment. It uses Protobuf as its…